Alick E Glennie (08/04/1925 to --/--/----) Ballater, Scotland [aeg]
Alex Glennie (??/??/???? to ??/??/1931?[ag1]
Alexander Douglas Glennie (18/12/1890 to 29/10/1933[adg]
Alison Margaret Glennie (now Bergman)(--/--/1959 to --/--/----) Ballater, Scotland [amg]
Douglas Farquharson Glennie (07/05/1922 to 17/08/1996) Durban, South Africa [dfg]
Eliza Glennie (??/??/1874 to ??/??/197?[eg1]
Elizabeth Jean Glennie (now Wylie)(21/05/1969 to --/--/----) London [ejg]
Elsie Margaret Glennie (08/08/1927 to --/--/----) Ballater, Scotland [emg]
Harry Glennie (??/??/1923 to 11/07/1944) Edinburgh, Scotland [hg1]
Isabella Glennie (??/??/???? to ??/??/????[ig1]
James Glennie (??/??/???? to --/--/1986) [jg1]
Jas Glennie (??/??/???? to ??/??/1921)[jg5]
Jeannie Glennie (??/??/???? to 12/12/1955 )[jg4]
Jessie Glennie (??/??/???? to ??/??/????)[jg3]
John Glennie (??/??/1877 to --/--/1941) [jg6]
Kenneth William Glennie (19/02/1926 to --/--/----) Ballater, Scotland[kwg]
Lauren J Glennie (??/??/1976 to ??/??/????) South Africa [ljg]
Lynn M Glennie (now van Tichelen)(??/??/1949 to ??/??/????) South Africa [lmg]
Malcolm R F Glennie (??/??/1945 to ??/??/????) South Africa [mrg]
Mary Ann Glennie (??/??/???? to ??/??/????)[mag]
Mary Glennie (??/??/???? to ??/??/????)[mg1]
Peter Glennie (??/??/18?? to --/--/1941) [pg1]
Peter Farquharson Glennie (17/04/1954 to --/--/----) Abernethy, Perth, Scotland [pfg]
Tyrone C Glennie (??/??/1979 to ??/??/????) South Africa [tcg]
William Glennie (??/??/189? to ??/??/1972) Edinburgh, Scotland [wg1]
William Glennie (??/??/???? to 08/11/1941 )[wg2]

Other names

Jane Anderson (??/??/1860 to ??/??/1932) [ja1]
Elsie Arkless (??/??/???? to ??/??/????) [ea1]
Alick Bergman (11/08/1987 to --/--/----) Ballater, Scotland [ab1]
Guy James Bergman (30/09/1987 to --/--/----) Ballater, Scotland [gjb]
Samantha Bergman (now Stevenson)(--/--/---- to --/--/----) Leeds, England [sb]
Robert Bergman(??/??/???? to --/--/----) Ballater, Scotland [rb]
Barbera Dickson (??/??/???? to --/--/----)[bd1]
Mary Edward (??/??/???? to 28/12/1952 )[me]
Alexander Farquharson (??/??/1840 to ??/??/1927) [af1]
Elizabeth Farquharson (??/??/1890 to ??/??/1948) [ef1]
Margaret Lillian Paterson (88/88/189? to --/--/1973) Edinburgh, Scotland [mlp]
John Bell Paterson (23/08/1926 to 29/12/1981 ) [jbp]
Mary Veronica Paterson (24/10/1952 to --/--/----) Abernethy, Perth, Scotland [mvp]
Helen Sadler (??/??/???? to --/--/----) Durban, South Africa [hs1]
Margaret Herbertson Skelton (17/08/1932 to 01/06/1996) [mhs]
Keighley Stevenson(??/??/???? to --/--/----) [ks1]
Paul Stevenson(??/??/???? to --/--/----) [ps1]
Donnagh Wylie (??/??/???? to --/--/----) London [dw1]